It’s been a while since I flashed a custom ROM on an Android phone a few years back. Recently I needed to get an old Pixel 3a XL to work for a project and I have to say that installing custom ROMs has become much easier than before.
- Get your computer and phone ready for ADB.
- Follow the steps here provided by LineageOS:
Common Issues:
- If your device is not showing when running the
adb devices
command, 9 out 10 times it’s either a driver issue orUSB Debugging
not properly enabled. When installing the driver, you have to make sure that you manually install the correct “Android Composite ADB Interface
” rather than letting Windows automatically pick the driver.
e.g. inDevice Manager
, right click on your phone, selectUpdate driver
–>Browse my computer for drivers
–> browse to the USB driver folder you just downloaded and choose:Let me pick from a list of available drivers on my computer
, and pickAndroid Composite ADB Interface
Upon successful installation, your phone should appear in Device Manager asAndroid Device - Android Composite ADB Interface
instead of underPortable Devices
orUniversal Serial Bus controllers
- Additionally,
fastboot flashing unlock
doesn’t unlock the bootloader, make sure thatStay awake
andOEM Unlocking
are enabled underDeveloper options
Other useful troubleshooting commands if your device is not showing under adb devices
net stop winnat
net start winnat
adb kill-server
adb start-server
ADB Command Reference:
adb reboot bootloader
fastboot devices
fastboot flashing unlock
adb reboot bootloader
fastboot flash boot boot.img
adb sideload
adb sideload