
French Keyboard/input language/input method in Vista

This article is an archival copy of my early years’ blog posts.

由于学法语的需要,有时要在word中做一些知识的整理,因此需要打法语字母。虽然大多数法语字母和英文字母相同,但毕竟还是有诸如 ê,è,ü,ï 之类怪异的字母出现,所以需要一个专门用来打法语的输入法。Google了一下,似乎并没有一种单独的法语输入法存在,因此只能用windows自己的装备了。

Ordinary Chinese or English keyboard can support most French letters, but we will meet problems while trying to type in letters as “ê,è,ü,ï”. I searched Google, but didn’t find any third-party input methods/input aid tools, so I added a French Keyboard to solve the problem.


控制面板 —— 区域和语言选项 —— 键盘和语言 —— 更改键盘 —— 添加 —— 选择 法语(加拿大),键盘选择“加拿大法语”,最后添加即可。


上面带有“ ¨ ”的字母,用 shift+] 来输入。比如,输入“ ü ”,则先按 shift+] ,再按u;若想输入大写“ Ü ”,则先按 shift+] ,再按 shift+u 即可。

“ ^ ”为 [+字母 ,如先按 [ 再按 e,则输入 ê 。大小写方式同上。

“ ` ”(下撇)为 ‘ (即引号) + 字母,按键顺序同上。 “ ¸ ” 为 ] + 字母 ,其实最常用也不过就是 ç ,大小写同上。 由于é的使用频率最高,法语键盘给了它一个单独按键 “ / ”.

I take Windows Vista as the example, if you’re using other OS, the steps are similar:

Control panel ---- Regional and Language Options ---- Keyboards and Languages ---- Change Keyboards… ---- add ---- French(Canada) ---- Keyboard ---- Canadian French

After adding the input language, please switch to French Keyboard, and use the following key combinations to insert those funny letters: Letters with “ ¨ ” can be inputted with shift+]. For example, if you want to input “ ü “, press shift+], then press u; and if you want to input the capital letter, press shift+u after shift+].

“ ^ ”: first press [ , then press e, you can get “ ê “
. ” : first press , then letter e, you get “ è ”.
“ ¸ ” : first press ], then letter c, you get “ ç ”.

Because letter “ é ” is frequently in use, so the French keyboard provides it with a sole key: “ / ” .

补充:由于法语的特殊字符占用了一些我们通常使用的字符的位置,因此在输入诸如 /,[,]这类符号时遇到了困难,最近发现了这个问题,在这里再补充一下:

Update: In the French input language, some special French characters take place of some symbols that we often use, like [ , ] , / etc. So now I add information below, hope it may help:

? : shift + 6
: ~
< : \
| : shift + ~
' : shift + 2
, : shift + ,
[ and ] : ctrl + alt + [ and ctrl + alt + ]
/ : shift + 3

Tag:法语输入法,如何输入法语字符,法语特殊字符输入,安装法语键盘,windows添加法语键盘,法语键盘组合键,how to input French letters, French input method/input language, key combinations on French keyboard